How to avoid browning of your lawn?


Evening hour means green grassy lawns and spending time with friends and family, for which you want your entertainment space vibrantly green and gorgeous. But many factors can take the green out of your grass, leaving your lawn with unwanted brown patches.


During summers, there is a high risk of seeing unsightly brown patches in your yard. So, irrigation installation Austin, TX, will provide you with tips that will help keep your lawn grass beautiful and green all season long.


  1. Watering the lawn


The best practice for watering a lawn is to give more water less frequently. This encourages the roots to grow deeper. Most lawns need 1.5’’ of water a week from sprinklers or rainfall. It usually takes fifteen to twenty minutes to water a lawn thoroughly.


If run-off or puddles occur, turn off your sprinkler and allow the water to penetrate the soil. This helps to avoid the browning of your lawn. Irrigation installation Austin, TX, helps in maintaining the lawn by providing better and useful tips for watering the lawn.


2.       Adjustment of sprinklers


 Sprinklersystem is one of the best ways to make sure that your garden or lawn gets proper watering. Equal distribution of water helps in keeping your lawn in good condition and healthy. Sprinklers make sure that the water reaches all the root points and soil.


  Uneven watering on the lawn will eventually lead to patchiness and browning of the lawn. Irrigation installation Austin tx provides a wide range of sprinklerservice in the town.


3.       Lawn fertilization


Fertilize your lawn properly, and you will be on your way to a safe, thick stand of turf that retains a rich green color and gives weeds a run for their money. Nitrogen is a lawn’s most essential element, and each variety of grass demands varying quantities to show optimum growth and efficiency.


How much you fertilize affects not just the look of the grass but also the maintenance level. The more you fertilize, the less will be the chances of your lawn’s browning.


4.       Timing


 Timing plays a vital role when it comes to watering the lawn. The perfect time of watering is either early morning or a bit late in the evening. Because during this timeless water will be evaporated as there will be no presence of the sun.


This will provide the lawn with a sufficient amount of water and time to replenish. With advanced sprinkler systems, you can easily set the time, amount of water, and also the watering needs according to weather conditions.




Following the watering rules can help you keep your lawn in good condition all the time. You can easily keep the lawn well-maintained and well irrigated. You must follow these rules as per your garden or lawn. And, with the right irrigation system, you can save your lawn from browning.


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